I can't believe how packed the month of January was for our family! Our calendar was full! Hopefully, things will settle down a bit. We had a birthday party for DS/11 at
The Incredible Pizza Company. It is new to our area and made for a great party for the 8 boys, a few parents, and family members. The venue is set around the 50s era and there is a huge game room with bumper cars, go-carts,

and such. Here's a few

pics of the party.

The Pinewood Derby was exciting this year. DS/11's car was silver with a #1 MSU Tigers theme. He won 1st in his scout pack.

This month, DS/11 "crossed over" to become a Boy Scout. A ceremony and banquet marked the occasion. At the ceremony, he received a trophy for 1st place Webelos 2 Pinewood Derby, then another trophy for 1st place Overall in his pack! Now, he will participate in the district-wide derby later this month.

In the meantime, I will be baking for the scout bake sale this Sunday and help with a science project. Two fundraisers have been going for raising money for DS/11's chorus trip that is coming up in April. Oh my goodness, it just never ends.
DH played a gig at Higher Ground recently.
It was a fun "road trip" of sorts. In the first pic, DH is in the middle and in the bottom pic, he's on keys.

DS/21 is still stationed in Colorado. I miss him so much.