Well, it's been too long between posts, so rather than try to backtrack too far, I'll just start with this past week. DS/11 and I made a bunny cake (without the coconut). He wanted chocolate icing, so we made a yellow cake with milk chocolate frosting. DS/21 called, while we were baking the cake, and told me he would most likely be deployed to Iraq on Aug. 15th. It's hard to believe he has been in the army for 1 1/2 years.
I made a some decorative eggs to use each year for Easter. I found an awesome tutorial at

I used sheet music for these. They are a lot of fun to make and I'll be making more. I want to make some more from old pages from books and dictionaries and thrift bibles. I plan to put some of our family's favorite verses on some for a more personal touch.
I haven't been cross stitching lately. Unfortunately, my magnifying lamp broke. I did, however, sew up a quick "Harry Potter" robe recently for DS/11 who had to dress up like a favorite book character. I'm anxious to get back to my "Gathering Honey" sampler. Now I just need to find a new lamp on sale!