I finally finished cross stitching the upper left corner of Gathering Honey. Next, I backstitched that corner. I had not backstitched the stones yet, so I backstitched all the stones in the path. Lastly, I backstitched the beehive in the center. Now, it really looks like a hive, instead of a bell (which was my son's "guess" on the blob in the center LOL). Now I'm working on the upper right corner's "bushes" around the edge. I still love this design, which is a good thing, since I have a looooong way to go!
New Year's Eve was great! My DH had a televised gig on TV (Countdown on Beale) which was a lot of fun. Over 75,000 people attended the event, and a few thousand saw the performance live, while many more watched by TV. In the past, we normally aren't even up at midnight on New Year's Eve, but this was a nice change. (DH is on the left in the white shirt)