I finally finished cross stitching the upper left corner of Gathering Honey. Next, I backstitched that corner. I had not backstitched the stones yet, so I backstitched all the stones in the path. Lastly, I backstitched the beehive in the center. Now, it really looks like a hive, instead of a bell (which was my son's "guess" on the blob in the center LOL). Now I'm working on the upper right corner's "bushes" around the edge. I still love this design, which is a good thing, since I have a looooong way to go!
New Year's Eve was great! My DH had a televised gig on TV (Countdown on Beale) which was a lot of fun. Over 75,000 people attended the event, and a few thousand saw the performance live, while many more watched by TV. In the past, we normally aren't even up at midnight on New Year's Eve, but this was a nice change. (DH is on the left in the white shirt)

imagine my surprise when I linked to you from my SIL's site and saw the project I've been carrying in my purse for about a month to get started on! I have been trying to get my shopping list together to buy what I need to start "Gathering Honey". It's just odd because this chart is from 1987! good work on yours. I hope to start mine very soon...
Note-- I enjoy your site especially since I live in G'town myself!
Hey, I might've seen your DH! At least, we had the Countdown on Beale on the TV (although I was partially reading a book). My Grandmother (who I was visiting in Memphis) kept saying it was supposed to be on, but we didn't find it until after she went to bed. Glad you had fun (and the weather was nice for New Years).
Gathering Honey is looking Stunning! You are doing a great job with it.
Your Gathering Honey looks great!! Congrats for your hubby being televised too! :)
Hey! Looking Nice! Lokking forward to seeing it finished!
Adventure Girl
Oh, how fun! I wanted to be on Beale for New Year's, but we were unable to get a sitter. Your beehive looks great!
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