I have stitched on Gathering Honey a bit, and have made some progress.

Also, my Bunko night was last night. We dressed in costumes. I was a tiger. The best costume winner was actually a tie between two ladies who had the same costume. They were designed and made by one of the two ladies. Instead of the Spice Girls, they were "The Dice Girls"! They had on black tops and pants with large dice appliqued on them. They had square hats that were also dice. All the costumes were great, but these were especially original and creative. Hopefully, I can share some pics soon.
DH will be performing at the National Shrimpfest in Gulf Shores, AL, this Thursday and Friday. You can get more info here....
Last, but certainly not least, today my husband and I have been married 15 years. I look forward to the rest of our lives together.
Ahh, Happy Anniversary!!
I'm glad all's well with your boy. It's always a worry when kids start out on their own, making decisions we wouldn't necessarily have made ourselves all those years ago.
My crowd ranges from 16 to 25. I'm still a hopeless basket case on a regular basis about this or that. LOL.
Your family is in my thoughts & prayers.
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