It was my turn to host Bunco this past Tuesday, so I gave out these ornaments from Old Time Pottery. We had a great time! I served a huge salad, rolls, chicken vegetable lasagna, and cheesecake. I had never tried Stouffer's chicken vegetable lasagna before, but it was really yummy!
I still haven't gotten all my Christmas decorations out yet. I'm still looking for my treetop angel and the stockings. My son who's in the Army, is returning home, on Sunday. He will be here for Christmas Exodus (2 weeks), before returning to Fort Benning. I'm looking forward to seeing him!
My aunt came and helped me clean and prepare for Bunco and Christmas. What a lifesaver!! She's a doll! I haven't stitched any in over a week. We had to rearrange my stitching spot, too, so the tree could stand in the corner.
I will try not to go so long between posts!