We opened gifts and played Uno (the card game). Later that night, we watched National Treasure 1 on dvd, before seeing the NT2 on Christmas day. We really enjoyed the movie and I recommend it as a family movie.

Oh well.
We have a very eclectic collection of ornaments; everything from handmade to very fragile figurines. Some are pretty, while others are just plain odd. One in particular is a "pigpen". It's a ballpoint pen with a tiny pink pig on the side of it! All I know is my DH has had it since before we were married. I won't bore you with a photo of that one.
Every year I have bought each child an ornament. When DD/26 was married last year, she was given her ornaments for her tree. Now, we have our ornaments, plus 2 sons' ornaments on the tree. Here's one of two jesters I gave DS/21 a couple of years ago.

Every one of my children has enjoyed making the cloved oranges. They make the whole kitchen smell great!

I didn't put out my Dicken's Village this year. There wasn't enough time. I miss it not being out. Maybe next year!
DS/21 (the soldier), will be home for a visit tomorrow!!! WooHoo!! It has been 10 1/2 months since he's been home.
I have enjoyed reading and seeing all the Christmas decorations, crafts, sewing, and ideas on your blogs. What a treat it has been this season to have so many blogging friends that are creative!
Here are some of my favorites for you to check out:
RuthAnn at Warm Pie, Happy Home
Hillary at Wee Wonderfuls
Andrea at The Craft Room
Katrina at A Kiwi Stitching
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