While he was home, he wrecked his bike and broke his foot in several places. He had burns to his side, shoulder and back. After his accident, he spent most of the remaining time at home, trying to heal. I tried to be a good nurse, but anyone who knows me knows I am not a good one. I did the best I could and we had a few laughs at my ineptness.

He received a promotion to "Specialist" before he returned home, and may be a corporal very soon. I am so proud of him! I am also terrified for him, but I know he has been trained well. I know God will look over him no matter where he is (because I keep reminding God about it : } ).
Other Breaking News.......
We found out last week that our first grandchild is a G-I-R-L!!!!! We are overjoyed! It wouldn't have mattered either way, boy or girl, they are both awesome!
I have a couple of other things that have kept me from blogging, but hopefully I'll be able to get back on track soon.
We've been busy with guerilla shopping for school supplies and clothes. There was also a tax-free weekend last weekend, so people who never shop were out shopping. There was craziness on the roads (who turns left from the far right-hand lane??) and even more craziness in the stores. Waiting in line for over 15 minutes to get into a dressing room stall, then another 15 minutes in a checkout line, is not my idea of a fun day.
The Rockstar and I even made a few midnight runs to Walmart to get 5 cent spiral notebooks (aka themebooks, composition books). My DS/11 always corrects me if I don't refer to them as "spirals". I am giving away my age here, but I'm just happy to be alive...at any age!
School is starting for DS/11 next week. I am picking up more hours with my job, also. I will still be busy-busy, but I'll try to get in some stitching time. I miss it. I miss the way it relaxes me. It gives me time to think.
Hopefully, I'll have a stitching update soon. We shall see...
Happy Birthday again!
am trying to find the Cross My Heart pattern book The Ocean which you did a pattern from. If you can help I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
I found a copy on ebay. I would be glad to sell you mine if I run across it. Just let me know and I'll start looking for it.
Thank you so much for responding. I really appreciate it. I was unable to find it on ebay but I would be happy to buy your copy if I can. Thanks again, you really made my day. Thanks Sue
I found it in ebay and just bought it. Thank you so much for your help. Sue
Hello! My name is Nika! We are from Russia. My husband and I to work with students. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. I have ladys club, we to do hand made cards, scrapbook, quilt and crosstitch. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! I so like your blog! I will glad if you can write me.Sorry my English. My e-mail is: zn4hisglory4@gmail.com Nika
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