My DD got engaged tonight! She has been dating her boyfriend for 4 years. He's a great guy and we think we are very fortunate to gain him as a son-in-law. They compliment each other. (She is my oldest child and my only daughter.)
I would like to cross stitch a wedding sampler or design for them, so please leave me comments with your suggestions.
I don't have a suggestion for a chart but I wanted to send my congratulations to your DD. What an exciting time for the whole family!
Congratulations on your upcoming mother-of-the-bride experience!! (Congrats to your DD too :) ).
I've done TW's wedding sampler and a couple of tiny ones. There are so many out there to choose from...good luck picking one that your DD will love!
How long do you have to stitch something? Do you want modern, classic, sampler style? So many choices!
Congratulations! You must be so excited!
I don't know many wedding charts... Except the Forever Friends' and Tatty Teddy's. But it depends on what style you're after!
Congratulations to your family!! What a lovely couple they make. Your DD is beautiful and I wish her and your future son-in-law lots of happiness and joy!
Good luck finding a wedding sampler. I don't have a suggestion as there are so many beautiful ones to choose from.
What a gorgeous couple :) Congratulations to them both - and to you !
Congratulations to you all!
As for a suggestion, well, hmmm. I would have to say the TW sampler is gorgeous, but I've always been drawn to Marie's Garden's sampler. I'm sure you'll find something wonderful!
For the births of my three kids (who are a long way from marriage!) I created my own samplers using bands, motifs, design elements, and poetry that I liked. Whatever you do, your daughter will cherish it always.
I love Pawprintings "Wonderful Wedding Egg", myself, but personal tastes and all :)
(I did Dragon Dreams Wedding blessing for myself, and I'm doing Victoria's Sampler's Heirloom Wedding Sampler for someone else).
Congrats to your DD & future SIL on their engagement. Best wishes for the happy couple. My favorite XS book for weddings is from Leisure Arts...http://leisurearts.com/crafts_needlework/item_detail.asp?page=26&rec_num=251&startRec=250&skill=XS#
I have stitched several patterns from this book including the cover for my DH & me.
Happy Stitching,
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