In a stitching roundup:
-Fish Medley (Cross My Heart)
-Engine #1 (Stoney Creek)
-Wedding Ring Sampler (LA)
-Man and Wife (LA)
Quilting WIP
-I Spy Quilt (would like to finish before DS/7 b'day 1/28.
Possible Starts in 2005 (kitted)
-Gathering Honey
-Rose Garden
-Music Stocking
-Stitching Stocking
-Australian Butterfly (JCC 4/89)
-Jesus: Physician ornament (Cross Country Stitching 8/92)
-Jesus: Carpenter ornament (Cross Country Stitching 8/92)
-Jesus: Bread of Life (Cross Country Stitching 12/92)
-Jesus: Author of Faith (Cross Country Stitching 23/92)
-a few others I'll post in the days to come.
In closing, here's the memorial collage I made for my MIL's funeral service.

MIL Collage