Sunday, July 31, 2011
Where Have I Been??
Busy with new job! That's good. No time to blog or stitch...not good. Working on it. In the last 3 months my DS/25 has redeployed to Afghanistan (last deployment was to Iraq). My DD/29 and her family have moved again...this time they are only 3 hours away. My DS/14 has been inducted into the National Honor Society, went on a mission trip, camp, and is becoming quite the drummer. DH has his plate full with work (new hours), music, and he is the cook in the family now that he gets home before me. Lots of changes for us. Just need a little time to get caught up and I hope to be stitching again in no time.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
New Job Is An Answer To Prayer
After a very long search I finally got the call I've been hoping and fervently praying for.
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Phil. 4:19
I got a new job! Needless to say, there are many changes in our household and schedule. Overall, it's a good change though. God is SO good!
Now if I can just squeeze in some stitching time...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Stitching Away on Gathering Honey
Snow days make for great stitching time...not to mention chocolate cupcake baking. :)
I have had long breaks of not stitching on "Gathering Honey", and I'm just ready to knock it out. It has been a WIP for five years! While it is a large design with many color changes, half- and quarter-stitches, it would not have taken more than six months if worked on diligently. Since I didn't put a time line on it or schedule specific times to cross stitch it, well...let's just say life got in the way...a lot.
Above is the progress as of yesterday. It will need to be cleaned and pressed (pardon the wrinkles), but it's come a long way. The left side still needs to be back-stitched on the frame, bees and flowers in the top left corner. I think there is one more bee to be stitched just under those flowers, too. I'm so glad to be on the home stretch!
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Snow Day!
School closed today at 11:00 and NO school tomorrow! Woohoo!! We have over 3 inches of snow and it's creating a bit of a challenge for our Boston Terrier, Lucy! She can't "grab" her soccer ball because it just scoots across the frustrating for her! She just looks at me as if to say, "Can't you make this stuff go away?!"
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Giveaway Love!
I found a lovely Valentine Giveaway at Nataly Needle Creations. The stitching giveaway ends Feb. 7th so hurry if you want to enter!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Yummy Felt Veggies
I slightly modified the tutorial at Elemental Stitches for the broccoli. I cut my felt 7" x 4" instead of 9" x 6". For the carrots, I followed I Make Stuff's tutorial. She has created a PDF file with pictures! Gotta love that!
These are for my granddaughter to use with her new pink kitchen Santa brought her!
These are for my granddaughter to use with her new pink kitchen Santa brought her!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Please Vote! Only 4 days left!!
Only a few days left to vote at the poll on the right sidebar. You can read more about the Q-snap "issue" that led to this question in my previous post.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Best Stand For Q-Snaps?
I've had my needlework stand, the original Gazelle by Artisan Design, for about 20 years. My frame holder will not hold Q-snap frames. I've tried a few tips, such as using the rubber jar openers as a barrier in between the frame and the Q-snaps, but it still slides around. I called the manufacturer and inquired about a Q-snap adapter (like the one for the Gazelle 2). They told me I should be able to use the frame holder that came with the stand, but I would just need to turn it a certain way. I tried it, but the Q-snap frame still loosens up after a short time, even if I can get it snug at first. I'm a "flipper"...I flip my stitching over to the back side a lot when I'm cross-stitching so I need a stand that will accommodate that without having to re-insert the Q-snap frame repeatedly.
I've created a poll to get feedback on the most popular needlework stands. Please vote (top/right sidebar) for your favorite!! I would like to know what stand you prefer and why. Can you use Q-snap frames with your stand? Give me your thoughts. I love comments! (I don't have any stitching buddies locally, so I'm depending on my blogger friends!
Friday, January 07, 2011
Reach Total Care Floss - Product Review

Johnson & Johnson are offering a coupon now for the floss, so give it a try. I think you'll like it.
(Please note: I'm not getting paid to review this product. I just happen to LOVE it and want to spread the word. Doesn't everyone want a clean mouth?!
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Beauty Rest
The divine Miss Lucy, sacked out on the sofa...such a diva!
She usually sleeps in my lap while I cross stitch. I call her my 4-legged heater.
She usually sleeps in my lap while I cross stitch. I call her my 4-legged heater.
Monday, January 03, 2011
First Attempt at Felt Food
Here are the first of the felt foods I made recently. You can't beat a couple of Swiss rolls, donuts, bacon and eggs all with no calories! These were gifts for my granddaughter's birthday. I've seen beads sewn as donut sprinkles, but I chose to use DMC floss instead to prevent a choking hazard.
I use a combination of the Escape Artist tutorial and Skip to My Lou's tutorial for the donuts and Swiss rolls.
The egg tutorial is found on Day to Day. Some of the links to the tutorials were found on Ucreate. I just winged it for the bacon. Easy peasy!
One more great site with many links to felt food is Ohdeedoh.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Day 2 of New Year...Round 2 of Deployment
My DS/24 just informed me he was deploying to Afghanistan this summer. This will make his second deployment (first one was Iraq). He was supposed to finish his 4+ years in the army in a couple of months, but he re-enlisted. I've been looking forward to him returning home. Now, there will be much praying, mailing of care packages, and keeping the news on 24-7.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year with a Strawberry on Top!
The holidays flew by without a single blog post. No looking back though. 2011 is New Year with a strawberry on top!
I found the tutorial for these sweet felt strawberries here. I think they may look more realistic with a different shade of green felt, but I used what I had on hand. The tutorial is great and easy to follow. Once the red pieces were cut, I just ran them threw the machine and cut them apart later.
Of course, they would also make wonderful clown noses at this point...just saying....
The rest of the sewing was by hand and the "seeds" took the longest to sew. I finished that part while watching TV. If I sew any more, I think I will enlarge the pattern a little just to have more than one size and maybe use fabric instead of felt. Moda Bake Shop has a different tutorial for a larger strawberry sewn in the fabric they offer.
I found the tutorial for these sweet felt strawberries here. I think they may look more realistic with a different shade of green felt, but I used what I had on hand. The tutorial is great and easy to follow. Once the red pieces were cut, I just ran them threw the machine and cut them apart later.
Of course, they would also make wonderful clown noses at this point...just saying....
The rest of the sewing was by hand and the "seeds" took the longest to sew. I finished that part while watching TV. If I sew any more, I think I will enlarge the pattern a little just to have more than one size and maybe use fabric instead of felt. Moda Bake Shop has a different tutorial for a larger strawberry sewn in the fabric they offer.
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