DH went on a road trip with the band and Dani to the BayDays Festival in Hampton, VA, last Thursday. They had 3 gigs, one on the way, and the other 2 were at the festival. On Friday night, they were the headliner. On Saturday, they warmed up Bo Diddley, the famous guitarist! DH got to visit with him in Bo's trailer and got a photo with him. DH was supposed to arrived back home Sunday night. Instead, the trailer, that hauls the music equipment, broke an axle. So, DH had to spend another night and he should arrive home this evening.
I've been trying to get the house in order because I have Bunko at our home tomorrow night! The kitchen is about 85% complete, and I hope we can knock some more of the work out tomorrow during the day. The great room has gotten in such a mess that it has been a "de-cluttering process" before I could begin to clean.
I still have to buy the food for Bunko and clean the house. I have already bought the gifts for the winners. I'll try to get a photo of them.
DS/8 has a soccer game tonight, so this will be a late night for me.
I haven't cross stitched any, but I can't wait to get back to it.
Your husband met Bo Diddley? Omigod, I am so jealous. I'm a HUGE blues fan (I've even managed to convert DH over the years). What music your husband's band play? I'm going to go put a CD on now and start stitching!
WOW what an honor for your DH!!! I have to tell my DH who is a fan also.
Don't stress about the housecleaning. With school starting last week, it looks like Office Max and the uniform store exploded in my house. I am FINALLY getting it together. I figure another day or two and the house will be at least livable. LOL
DH's band plays with the band that backs Dani. They do originals and cover tunes such as Norah Jones, Bonnie Raitt, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, etc. Lately, they have been doing some Janis Joplin, also. They are a mix of blues and rock with a Memphis twist. You can see a pic on DH's blog,Music Jock.
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